Personal Growth/Language Learning

비즈니스영어 1. Introducing Yourself in an E-mail

Melissa Levasseur 2019. 4. 1. 22:14


1. deputy

2. pleased with

3. revamp

4. in detail

5. intend to

6. component

7. implement

8. Best Regards



Introducing Yourself in an E-mail

Dear Ms. Blake:

I'm writing on the recommendation of Keith Dunham from Newcraft Hydraulic.

(1)This letter is about the recommendation of Keith Dunham from Newcraft Hydraulic.

(2)This is in accordance with the recommendation of Keith Dunham from Newcraft Hydraulic.

My name is Jeff Lafitte, deputy manager of personnel at Ardent Brake in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
We are intending to revamp our training program for factory personnel, and want to include video as a component. Mr. Dunham was very pleased with the training video you directed for him last year, and he spoke highly of you. 
I prefer to discuss this in more detail by telephone.

(1) I prefer to have a detailed discussion over the telephone.

(2) I would rather have an elaborate discussion by telephone.

I would be grateful if you could give me a call at 601-485-3325. We will implement the new training program early next year, so time is short. If we can agree in general on the budget that will be needed, including your fee, I would like to invite you to Hattiesburg to work out the next steps on this project. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, 
Jeff Lafitte




Jeff who is deputy manager of personnel at Ardent Brake is contacting to Ms. Blake to work with her. Because the company is intending to revamp their training program and they are impressed by the video she filmed.


Today’s Topic

You are the HR manager at Sanoff Beverage. Your company is advertising an open position for sales associate, and you have received a resume from Martha Steuben, who seems like a suitable candidate. Write an email to Ms. Steuben. Invite her to an interview at your office and ask her to reply you to set a time.


내가 쓴 내용

Hi Martha, 
This is HR manager at Sanoff Beverage. 
Thank you for applying to sales associate position to our company. 
I am glad to say that we are very satisfied with your resume and want to give you to have an interview chance. 
Next Tuesday (12th) 3:00 pm will be good for us, Please tell me you cannot make it. We can check the schedule for another day. 
Thank you!


첨삭 내용

Dear Ms. Steuben: 
How are you? This is Melissa, HR manager at Sanoff Beverage. Thank you for applying for the sales associate position in our company. I am glad to say that we are very satisfied with your resume and want to have an interview with you.
Next Tuesday, on December 12 at 3:00 pm will be good for us. Please tell me if you cannot make it. We can check the schedule for another day. Thank you! 

Best regards,
HR Manager, Sanoff Beverage


- 어언 4달째 수업이지만 제대로 복습한 건 이번이 처음이라는 사실.. 너무나도 부끄럽다. 오늘은 조금 오래 걸렸지만, 알차게 한듯. 하루에 2개 이상씩 복습할 수 있도록 하자!


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