English 12

2021 English Debate Club - 26

http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211028000849 Four-day workweek pledges resurface The ruling party's presidential nominee is reviewing whether to include a four-day workweek as a major campaign promise, sparking debate as to whether the pledge is realistic for South Korea. Former Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung, presidential nomine www.koreaherald.com 1. 두 대선후보가 공약으로 내걸음 pledge / im..

2021 English Debate Club - 24

가능한 날은 빼먹지 말고 열심히하기. 1. How was your day? person 1 - book factfullness.. what is the purpose. / blinddate 팩트풀니스 요약 FACTFULNESS 팩트풀니스 요약 1 우연한기회에 읽게된 책 팩트풀니스 읽고 보니 내용이 너무 좋아서 두고두고 기억하고 활용하려는 마음에 요약함. jaeyoung2010.medium.com person 2 - flu shot - 로블록스 / 마이네임 / re-open gym / yeosu - renting the office (mobility company)/ remote work closed I was too busy during a week because of the work. maybe I g..

2021 English Debate Club - 22

Ice-breaking deligent / prefer A to B / adapted / 1. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2021/10/694_316510.html Starbucks employees protest heavy workload, working conditions Starbucks employees protest heavy workload, working conditions www.koreatimes.co.kr 상향평준화 upward leveling / 교외 suburbs / 차선책 second best / 섭취 intake / savory taste 고소한맛 / overtake 제치다. 1. 스타벅스 프로모션에 대한 이야기 2. 스타벅스 파트타이머 ..

비즈니스 영어 4. Taking a Vote

various opinions 다양한 견해 inefficient 비효율적인 facility 시설 shut down 문을닫다 Now, we are going to take a vote on a few important things out of the various opinions that we’ve shared about cost reduction and improving productivity. The first factory that’s running in China is inefficient as well as raising a lot of problems. 현재 중국에서 운영되고 있는 제 1공장은 생산성도 많이 떨어지고 문제도 많이 제기 되고 있습니다. We have to consider our e..