영어토론 23

2021 English Debate Club - 26

http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211028000849 Four-day workweek pledges resurface The ruling party's presidential nominee is reviewing whether to include a four-day workweek as a major campaign promise, sparking debate as to whether the pledge is realistic for South Korea. Former Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung, presidential nomine www.koreaherald.com 1. 두 대선후보가 공약으로 내걸음 pledge / im..

2021 English Debate Club - 24

가능한 날은 빼먹지 말고 열심히하기. 1. How was your day? person 1 - book factfullness.. what is the purpose. / blinddate 팩트풀니스 요약 FACTFULNESS 팩트풀니스 요약 1 우연한기회에 읽게된 책 팩트풀니스 읽고 보니 내용이 너무 좋아서 두고두고 기억하고 활용하려는 마음에 요약함. jaeyoung2010.medium.com person 2 - flu shot - 로블록스 / 마이네임 / re-open gym / yeosu - renting the office (mobility company)/ remote work closed I was too busy during a week because of the work. maybe I g..

2021 English Debate Club - 22

Ice-breaking deligent / prefer A to B / adapted / 1. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2021/10/694_316510.html Starbucks employees protest heavy workload, working conditions Starbucks employees protest heavy workload, working conditions www.koreatimes.co.kr 상향평준화 upward leveling / 교외 suburbs / 차선책 second best / 섭취 intake / savory taste 고소한맛 / overtake 제치다. 1. 스타벅스 프로모션에 대한 이야기 2. 스타벅스 파트타이머 ..

2021 English Debate Club - 16

1. https://hbr-org.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/hbr.org/amp/2016/01/trick-yourself-into-breaking-a-bad-habit Trick Yourself into Breaking a Bad Habit First, recognize that you’re profoundly influenced by outside forces. hbr.org Voca procrastinate 미루다 quirky 기발한 succumb 굴복하다 prowess 용감 impede 방해하다 acquisition 인수 impediments 방해물 relentless 잔인한 liaisons 연락 ensconced 자리잡은 inexorable 무정한 lapses 경과 I have e..