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2021 English Debate Club - 23 Sunday Sutdy 1. How was your day? I went overnight trip during holiday to Ulsan Riding a night bus went bus station in the middle of mountaion. We catch the taxi at 4 am when we arrived hiking trail there is no light at all. Our purpose of hiking was watcing Sunrise. Reed(갈대) waterfalls(폭포) Company suggest me to do new project the others. weding / book-tools of titan / massage machine / learing .. 2021. 10. 17.
2021 English Debate Club - 22 Ice-breaking deligent / prefer A to B / adapted / 1. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2021/10/694_316510.html Starbucks employees protest heavy workload, working conditions Starbucks employees protest heavy workload, working conditions www.koreatimes.co.kr 상향평준화 upward leveling / 교외 suburbs / 차선책 second best / 섭취 intake / savory taste 고소한맛 / overtake 제치다. 1. 스타벅스 프로모션에 대한 이야기 2. 스타벅스 파트타이머 .. 2021. 10. 17.
2021 English Debate Club - 20 1. El Salvador buys bitcoin as the digital currency becomes legal tender https://edition.cnn.com/2021/09/06/business/bitcoin-price-el-salvador-intl-hnk/index.html El Salvador buys bitcoin as the digital currency becomes legal tender El Salvador became the first country to adopt bitcoin as a national currency on Tuesday, kicking off a radical monetary experiment that could pose risks to the fragi.. 2021. 10. 6.
2021 English Debate Club - 19 New study group on Sunday. 1. How was your day? - Introduce myself. IT. BS - Flower arrangement with my colegues. - Don't understand how that much very friendly with your work coleagues. - Movie speaking of that 2. Article http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210928000826 Despite record COVID-19 surge, Korea committed to return to ‘normal’ President Moon Jae-in’s top officials on Tuesday onc.. 2021. 10. 3.